Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wednesday WIPpet: "If You Destroy Me"

      It's been a busy week. In addition to winning two novels by WIPpet hostess K. L. Schwengel on her recent giveaway, I also won second place in the Women of Faith writing compteition!

     Now for the real fun part ... publishing "The Beloved Daughter." My first batch of paperbacks are on their way right now, and my website is up and ready to accept orders! I'm planning my blog tour and having a great time with it all.

      So now for today's WIPpet. Here's four paragraphs from chapter three of "The Beloved Daughter." This may be the last snippet I post online from "The Beloved Daughter," so be sure to order a copy if you want to read the whole story of Chung-Cha, who was (un)fortunate enough to be the daughter of an outspoken Christian in contemporary North Korea.


      On hearing Father’s words, I was sure the officer would beat him, but for the slightest moment, a look of terror flashed through Pock-Marks’ dark eyes. I was certain that Father noticed it as well, and he glanced in my direction as if to say, Did you see it too, daughter?  

     Unfortunately, that moment of victory was fleeting.The officer looked Father up and down, then smiled. “It’s a dangerous proposition,” Pock-Marks goaded, “being so bold when there are children present.” 

     I stood still, willing myself to breathe. The corner of Father’s lip quivered, but his voice betrayed no terror as he spoke. “Chung-Cha belongs to Christ,” Father declared. “Even if you destroy me, God will still watch over my daughter.” 

     The agent chuckled, taking a single stride toward me. “And what if I destroy her?” 


     Join the WIPpet fun. Post an excerpt from your current Work In Progress that has something to dwith today's date (like four paragraphs from chapter three on 4/3). Then link up here or at myrandommuse.wordpress.com

     Oh, and I'm trying something new. If I remember, I'm going to add a random fact about myself at the bottom of each post. So here is Random Fact #1: Yesterday was the first time in six years I pumped my own gas. (And I remembered how to do it!)

Click to Tweet: Congrats to @ABoyNamedSilas, 2nd place in the Women of Faith writing contest! 

Read an excerpt from THE BELOVED DAUGHTER, 2nd place winner in the Women of Faith writing contest



  1. *shudder* That last line really zings it!

    1. Yeah, morals and ethics sure get blurred when little kids get thrown in the mix.

  2. Congratulations! You are a winner all around. *throws confetti*

    Poor Chung Cha and her Dad, I just know it's going to get much worse before it gets better.

    1. aw, thanks for the virtual confetti. It's so much easier to clean than the real kind!

      Unfortunately, I make no promises that things will get all that much better from here. I think Regi already warned you about that though...

  3. Woohoo!!! Congratulations! Pumping your gas for the first time in years must have been a nerve-wracking experience but you got through it just fine!

    Oh, right. And congratulations on winning 2nd place. :-P

    1. haha, pumping gas was probably more challenging (and more expensive...)

    2. Well, I just hope the experience will help you appreciate how luxurious your life is. I do AT LEAST 2.5 percent of the gas-pumping for our family. Workin' my fingers to the bone, Sister, workin' my fingers to the bone...

    3. Yes, I've seen your fingers. Quite bony, actually... ;)

  4. Ooh, that last line is so very sinister.

    Congrats on all the winning! How are you doing international orders? I would love a copy, but am in Australia.

    1. Oh, thanks so much! I'm really enjoying your Complicated Fairytale! If you want a book, it's about $17 to ship it for a total of 29.99 US. Do you have a paypal account? We could probably do it that way. Or I can set up an ebay listing and have it compute the price and let you know when the link is up. Which option would be easiest for you?

  5. I've really enjoyed reading the excerpts from your book. Hopefully I can read it sometime. (I'm in the UK)

    1. Thanks Elaine! It will be up on Amazon soon, or just email me if you want to do a paypal thing. alanaterrybooks@gmail.com

  6. Congratulations on 2nd place, winning those two novels and being brave and pumping gas for the first time in six years!

    Great snippet with a very dark and foreboding last line.

    1. Thanks Kate! Yeah, I'm probably most proud about the whole gas thing...

    2. Well an achievement is an achievement whatever form it comes in! :-)
