Sunday, April 7, 2013

Now on Kindle! (ROW80 Writing Goals)

In case you didn't know, I'm participating in this season's Round of Words 80-day writing challenge. Here's a quick update on how I'm doing meeting my writing goals:

  • The Beloved Daughter is formatted for Kindle! See the Alana Terry website to order your paperback or ebook of this prize-winning inspirational novel set in North Korea.
  • The Beloved Daughter blog tour is getting set up. If you want to host a book review or author interview on your blog, let me know in the comments section.
  • I sent book two of My Solar-Powered History series off to my editor this week. Book one in my kids series, What, No Sushi? is due to be released any day, and we're hoping to have book two out by Christmas. What, No Sushi? is about a Japanese-American internment camp. In its sequel, What Hurricane?, the Otis boys go back in time on a supply ship headed to the Jamestown colony.
What I've still got to do:

  • Sell a bunch of books! (You can help with this one! Order The Beloved Daughter, or preorder What, No Sushi?)
  • Take a look at Saving Natalie, my current WIP, which still needs a lot of editing
  • Find homeschooling and special-needs blogs to review What, No Sushi?, which stars a homeschooling family and a tube-fed little boy
Random Fact #2: Only ten percent of my life has been spent living with someone who isn't a Star Trek fan.
What about you? If you want some encouragement meeting your writing goals, link up here:


  1. How exciting to have potentially three books out by Christmas!

    How's the blog tour coming along? I've got no one lined up yet to interview for my May '5 Minutes With...' feature on my blog and would love to ask you some questions if you fancied it?

    1. Yes Kate! I'd fancy it! Thanks so much for the suggestion!

  2. Excellent! I will email you in the next few days and we can sort something out. (I've got your email address from when you've posted comments on my blog so I take it that will be the one to contact you via?)

    1. Yup, that email will be best. Thanks, I'm looking forward to it!
