Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Round of Words: My 80-Day Writing Goals

     Want to join the round of words 80-day writing challenge? Make your own writing goals, and check in to keep us informed how you're doing. Then link up below. More info is at

My Writing Goals

     My debut inspirational fiction novel, The Beloved Daughter, is on its way to me as we speak. Now that it's published, though, doesn't mean I can sit back and wait for the world to find it! Here are my writing goals for promoting The Beloved Daughter:
  • Get the blog tour planned. Status: in progress. Tour dates: May through July
  • Format The Beloved Daughter for Kindle. This is a biggie. Better do it soon.
  • Connect with more reviewers on Twitter.
     April is turning out to be a monumental month for me as an author, because my chapter book for kids is also about to come out thanks to Do Life Right Publishing. My writing goals for What, No Sushi? are:
  • Get What, No Sushi? reviewed on at least five homeschool blogs.
  • Write to all my special-needs blogging friends to see if any of them want to feature a book with a tube-fed boy as one of the main characters.
  • Sell a TON of copies at our homeschool group's curriculum fair.
     That's it for my published works. I also have a few more miscellaneous writing goals, which include:
  • Re-edit books two and three of My Solar-Powered Time Machine series.
  • Work on editing my second novel at least once a week (check it out on Wednesday WIPpets!).

I'll keep you posted on my status as time goes on. Good luck to all you other ROW80 bloggers out there!

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  1. Congrats on having a new book winging its way toward you! How exciting is that? Um, very!

    Good luck with your promo efforts--and with all your goals. I look forward to tracking your progress.


  2. *laughing at myself* I had to read "a round of words in 80 days" several times before I finally got it! That's pretty cute.

    Your goals boggle my mind. Or, more accurately, since I know it's likely you'll accomplish most (probably all) of them, my mind is boggled. If only I were so efficient! I'd rule the world by now. Everyone would have to pay me tribute in dark chocolate coins and utter the phrase "I'm a duck," whenever I felt out of sorts.
    Let me know if/how I can help. :-)

    1. If you're offering to help, then I'll definitely take you up on it. I expect a phone call at least once a day in which you tell me you're a duck. When you rule the world, I will definitely pay tribute.

  3. Yay, you joined in! I think you're going to have a very busy 80 days... How exciting to have two books being published. I'm looking forward to reading your new WIPpet posts too.

    1. Hey Kate, I was glad for the idea. Thanks for introducing me to it!
