Tuesday, June 18, 2013

WIPpet Wednesday: The Interrogation

BOOK OF THE MONTH (click here to vote)

Happy Wednesday! Lots of good news this week. I'm 40,000-plus words into my JuNoWriMo and have experienced several writer's highs this go-around that I don't remember feeling with my other manuscripts. Also, I just found out that The Beloved Daughter is up for Book of the Month award from The Book Club Network! This would be an amazing honor for a little indie book like mine! Would you stop by bookfun.org and vote for The Beloved Daughter on the right-hand side? I never even knew it was being considered, so I'm quite flabbergasted!

My WIP continues on namelessly. Here are 19 sentences from "JuNoWriMo Draft 1." (Again with the PG-13 rating, this time for "situational intensity" and "implied violence.")

           “What’s the name of the girl who visited you?” The interrogator was so close to Mr. Tong’s face that Mr. Tong could smell the vinegar on his breath.

“She didn’t tell me her name.” Mr. Tong was thankful that he was blind. The interrogator, no matter how hard he might try, would never be able to get a physical description from him.

            “I will make you talk, old man. Whether you still have a tongue afterwards depends on how much you’re willing to help me.” To make his point, the interrogator pinched one of Mr. Tong’s fingers. Mr. Tong swallowed as a sharp needle found its way to the soft spot between the fingernail and the flesh underneath. “What was her name?”

            Mr. Tong tried to steady his shaking, but the palsy just traveled down to his free hand. The interrogator laughed. “I’ll make you quiver before the night’s through, old man. Now tell me who came to visit you.”

            Mr. Tong waited for his head to steady. He lifted his chin. “Even if I knew her name, I wouldn’t tell you.”

            The interrogator chuckled. Mr. Tong heard the sound of metal clinking. “I was hoping you’d feel that way.”

Many thanks to K. L Schwengel at myrandommuse.wordpress.com for hosting this linkup! And please don't forget to vote for the Beloved Daughter!


  1. Eeek! Poor Mr. Tong. A well done, suspenseful scene. And huge congrats on hitting 40k. Writer's highs are wonderful. :)

    1. Thanks Kathi! I don't know why I didn't experience the same with Beloved Daughter. Maybe just because the subject matter was so heavy.

  2. Wow, that was intense. I'm very afraid for Mr Tong. :(

    Voted and tweeted!

    1. Thanks for the vote and the tweet! I appreciate it!

  3. Yeek! The description of the needle sent a shudder right through me!

    Congrats on hitting 40k, and on the nomination! I've put my vote in! :D

  4. I hate the sensation of a broken nail on that spot of the nailbed. OUCH! Mr. Tong is a very brave man, but I do fear for him.

    Congrats on the Book of the Month, Alana!

    1. Thanks for the congrats Eden! Glad you got to stop by.

  5. Squeee, congrats on your nomination! I went and voted! This piece is interesting and really makes me think about my senses when a blind man is describing the scene. Good stuff! I could imagine that needle stabbing into my own nail and I clenched my teeth. Ouch!

    1. Yeah, ouch about sums it up! Thanks for the vote!

  6. Poor Mr Tong, my heart goes out to him - great scene. But after reading The Beloved Daughter I know you can go there, and sensitively too. Been and voted - congratulations!

  7. Yay to the 40,000+ words and even bigger yay about being up for book of the month - I saw your tweet and voted a few days ago - fingers crossed!

    That's a chilling last line with the 'sound of metal clinking'. I think you write these kind of scenes really well.

  8. Voted, tweeted and holy crap...needles and nails and...I'm cringing. two things I do not like to mess around with! Great job! and congrats on reaching 40k! keep it going!!!

  9. Ack! Poor Mr. Tong! I cringed reading that!

    Congrats on being up for book of the month!

  10. I have a little crush on Mr.Tong, who seems anything but helpless. Something tells me he has many ways of describing the girl in question, and which he is keeping to himself...

    I've had a sliver go up through my nailbed twice. I consider myself pretty tough, pain-tolerance-wise, but my reaction was considerably stronger than his.

    Great stuff - no wonder you are getting the writer highs. Mine seem to be Supermoon-related...all that nocturnal loveliness makes my mind all silver and glowy inside, and then the good words pour out! =D

    I voted! =)
