Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday WIPpet: "Let's Do That Again"

     Happy Wednesday to everyone (unless it's already Thursday where you live). Today's WIPpet post features 13 sentences from chapter 3 of What, No Sushi?, my chapter book for young kids about three boys who travel back in time to explore a Japanese-American internment camp. What, No Sushi? is due to be released this spring. If you're just dying to read one of my books RIGHT NOW, please check out the Boy Named Silas ebook or paperback, which chronicle my son's traumatic birth experience and complicated medical history. Otherwise I hope you enjoy today's WIPpet!


The next thing we knew, we were shooting up through some clouds.

“DAAAAAAAAAA-DEEEEEEEEEEEE!” screamed O’Malley, but his voice sounded excited, not scared.

“You boys are doing great,” Dad’s voice said from the speaker.

We soared up higher and higher. Then the rumbling noise grew quiet.  Before we could do anything, we started falling through the air. After a few seconds, we felt a big jerk and started going down more slowly.

“Dad must have put a parachute on the top,” I told my brothers.

“You better believe it, Lake,” Dad said. “I wouldn’t let anything hurt you boys, would I?” I smiled. Up until then, I wasn’t sure if Dad could hear us, or if we could just hear him. He must have put microphones into the SPM, I decided.

After gently floating for a few minutes, we landed with a soft thud.

“Is everyone all right?” I finally asked, looking around. I was especially worried that O’Malley might have gotten frightened from our fall.

O’Malley just laughed and grinned. “Let’s do that again,” he said.

Do you WIPpet? You should! Show us an excerpt from your Work In Progress that has something to do with today's date (like 13 sentences from chapter 3 on 3/13). Then come and link up here or at My Random Muse. Happy WIPpeting!  


  1. Woohoo! Sounds like the sort of thing I would have loved before the unfortunate cliff incident.

    1. not me, and I've never had a cliff incident! I'll stick to writing about it. although I did have a fun dream about sky-diving the other night...

  2. Grounded (or not as the case may be) in the very first line. These kids sound like they're having fun and their Dad appears to have thought of everything. He seems just lovely!

    1. Thanks Raewyn, I like Dad too. Don't tell anyone, but he's sort of modeled after my husband (minus the part about him being a world-famous inventor guy).

  3. Yeah, don't put me too far above the ground unless I'm on/in something very stable. The whole falling bit . . . only on the front seat of a roller coaster. But Dad sounds awfully fun.

    1. I'm with you there Kathi! When I was a kid I always thought adults who were scared of heights were silly. I guess it comes from all that "wisdom" we've accumulated over the years!

  4. I love the way the kids are embracing the experience, shown perfectly by O'Malley wanting to do it again. Having an inventor as the dad is a great idea and I agree - he does sound like a fun guy!

    1. Thanks, writing O'Malley's character was pretty fun. He's the youngest, but he likes to surprise us all at times. Yeah, wouldn't you love a crazy inventor father type whose only apparent purpose in life was to send you on wild adventures? :)
