Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday WIPpet: "Wait, Dad."

     This will probably be my last WIPpet featuring "What, No Sushi?" simply because it's THIS close to no longer being a Work In Progress. We're so close, in fact, that my editor has OKed pre-orders on my blog!

     One of the most exciting things that happened this week (in addition to booking my first ever author signing) was seeing the final cover of "What, No Sushi." What do you think? I've never breathed a single word (or sent a single email, text, or tweet) to Jeremy, my illustrator, but I think he did a fantastic job.

     The other big thrill of the week was having a sudden last-minute inspiration (that my editor fully supported even though the manuscript is already in the final line-editing stages) about giving one my characters more back story. Benson, the middle boy in My Solar-Powered Time Machine series, now has a feeding tube, just like my middle son Silas.

     So, for this Wednesday's WIPpet, I hope you enjoy reading 81 words that were just added to the manuscript. (Why 81? you ask. Because today is 3/27 and 3 x 27 is 81. Obviously!) These two paragraphs are now part of the second chapter, when the boy's zany inventor father is preparing them for their very first trip in the solar-powered time machine.


“Wait, Dad. What about my backpack?” As a baby, Benson couldn’t eat or drink, so the doctors put a tube into his stomach. Now Benson can eat regularly, but drinking is still hard for him. Benson wears a special backpack that gives him water through his feeding tube so he doesn’t get thirsty.

“Keep your backpack with you,” Dad answered. “Lake can help you with it. You’ll be fine.” Dad closed the lid before we could ask him any more questions.


     If you're interested in following the Otis boys on their trip to a Japanese-American interment camp (or know some kids who might be), you can preorder your own copy of "What, No Sushi?" If you want to join the WIPpet Wednesday game, link up here or at My Random Muse. Just make sure what you enter has something to do with today's date, like I sort of tried to do. And then be social. Check out the other blogs and let the authors know what you liked! Speaking of being social, I was wondering if any of my WIPpet pals wanted to sign up as followers. My networked blog picture frame is looking kind of scanty.

     Happy WIPpetting!!


  1. I LOVE this concept!!! *effusive gushing that would take up too much space and reiterate some of what I said on your other blog* You and Silas and your other beautiful boys rock, Alana!

    1. aww. Hey, your gushing enthusiasm reminds me that I could use an on-call cheerleader. What are your per hour rates, and do you accept payment in the form of babysitting swaps?

  2. What an amazing piece of backstory! And the cover of your book looks wonderful. :)

    1. Thanks Kate!! Since the characters were modeled after my sons, I have a whole family of happy and excited kids.

  3. Wonderful idea - your kids must love being inspirations too. I also liked how the Dad closed the lid on their questions, because don't they always have a lot!

    Sorry can't add to the networked blogs because I don't have a facebook account. But hope it fills up soon!

    1. Thanks Raewyn, yeah the kids have asked to see the picture on my iPad at least a dozen times a day since we first got it. :) Who doesn't want to star in their own series?

  4. The cover is awesome. I network blogged you, but it's through my personal/doggie account. :)

    1. Thanks Kathi! I promise not to hack or spam you! ;)

  5. Your book cover is eye catching and I love the idea that the three Otis boys are based on your own kids. :-) Great bit of back story weaved in.

    I networked blogged you too although my face hasn't appeared in your blog picture frame...

    1. Thanks for adding your beautiful face! Maybe now the other guys won't be so lonely-looking :) I do appreciate it ... a lot!
