Thursday, November 5, 2015

NaNo Notes: Day 5

Quick Update: I've got a lot to be thankful for, especially since my writing day started with this:

Thankfully I found the document in question, for which I doubt I'll ever stop praising God.

Physically: Everything's holding up. I've been doing more typing than dictating, so I'll eventually need to give my wrists a break, but so far so good.

Emotionally: Again I'm full of thankfulness today on the way everything's coming together.

Prayer Requests: I'm hoping to make a decent amount of tomorrow a work day and then get some time off this weekend. I'm also praying for my computer to last the rest of this project and I'm also praying for details to come together smoothly for the cover, which I just asked the designer to start working on.

Teaser (which today is also dubbing as my Christian Fiction Friday post): Most people, they think of street children, and they get kinda sad and mopey, like “Isn’t it too bad they don’t have anyone to take care of them?” And you wouldn’t expect it, but there were parts about being a flower swallow I actually liked. The part about having no school, for example, that’s the most obvious one.

Blooper of the Day: "I spent a good part of that hour with Mama gone wondering what sort of nice things must be coming her way. And you has-beens, maybe?" (A new husband, maybe?)

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